Friday, November 19, 2010

Tis the Season..

to start thinking about the perfect holiday card! Year after year, Shutterfly is a great asset in creating and sending the perfect holiday card, and this year is no exception! This season, Shutterfly has an AWESOME deal for all the bloggers out there. Just do what you do best - BLOG! - and you can earn 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly! Check out the details on the Shutterfly blog.

There are SO many beautiful designs to choose from this year, how do I choose just one??  Here's one of my favorites! 

I think ultimately, the card I choose will be dictated by the types of photos I end up with! I'm hoping I can convince the husband to get our tree up this weekend so I can start working on that ASAP1

So bloggers, hurry up and get blogging, and pick out your beautiful holiday card from Shutterfly! I can't wait to order mine!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Back in the Act

As you can see, its been quite a while since my last post! Unfortunately, my ventures in getting healthier were derailed slightly last November when I began having some health issues. When they finally began to get better in January of this year, we found out we were expecting! Since I was on a necessary hiatus from any sort of exercise, my clean eating ways went by the wayside as well. Now that I've had my son, I a MORE than ready to get back in the act and on the road to a healthier me! I hope you'll follow along as I once again take on the challenge of cleaning up my act!!